I'd like to start with a small story ...
Tommy was a hard working chap, he worked very hard and tried to do what he was good at as proper as possible and all his intentions were always good.
Now Sunny joined his company and was placed to work with Tommy, Sunny was a different character all together.
Sunny was the sorts who did not like doing much work and mostly specialised in getting others to do his job and never added much value, Sunny grew to his position by job hopping and the boss who hired Sunny got terribly mislead about his skills since Sunny was a good talker.
As a result of the association between Sunny and Tommy, Tommy felt very pressurised, he ended up doing all the work including the stuff that Sunny had to do, due to the situation, the output being produced by Tommy deteriorated, now the boss was pissed with Tommy and kept giving him a piece of his mind.
Poor Tommy got more and more frustrated and left the job, with Tommy gone, the boss got Jonny, who went through the same phase of Timmy and called it quits one fine day.
Then came Ben, Ben was a tough nut to crack and gave Sunny and the boss a tough time, Ben was moved out of the team and asked to do some other work.
Ben was replaced with Joy whose fate was nothing but Sorrow.
End of story
Come to think of it now ... in the course of my career so far, I have been seeing this pattern happening and thought that I must write about it.
I call this pattern the "Sacrifice of the Silent lambs" ...
The ultimate solution is simple ...
"Whack Sunny" if its allowed.
What the other guys should have done in my view ... Leaving the boss apart ...
Guys like Tommy must give the boss a jolt of reality to whack guys like Sunny. Otherwise the boss is living in a dream with false information. With all good intentions the boss is doing nothing but bad.
Guys like Tommy must speak up and stand up for themselves rather than become victims.
Guys like Ben must not give up easily and make it clear to the boss about the real problem and help him help others.